Sunday, July 29, 2007

August Classes

Classes are in full swing...Here is a listing of upcoming classes for the month of August.

Sock Class (Toe - Up)
Beginning Crochet
Baby Booties
Kids Lessons

While there are many classes starting, and many more in September, we are also busy helping customers finish projects from the month of July.

I happened to remember to catch Jessica's and Julie's socks in progress. Both Jessica and Julie are new to knitting, but each are churning out truly wonderful projects. The receiptiants of these socks will truly love them and be asking for another pair.

Marcia's dragon scale scarf is spectacular in Stacy Charles Ritratto yarn. When she finishes and blocks this scarf it will gather many compliments from jealous friends. The camera didn't seem to capture the unique quality of this has brilliant color with a touch of sparkle woven throughout.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Hi Jennifer!
Thanks for meeting yesterday to get moving on the felted purse. I think it's going to turn out great and I'm excited about making a hat too!

WOOHOO, knitting season is in full swing!